Lil Rose Thorn

Monday, June 18, 2007

It has not been a good week

First off I woke up on Wednesday to find my fridge not cool and the freezer only cold.... my ice cream(s) was everywhere. So I went to put some stuffs into one of the 2 deep freezers I have in the garage when I noticed that one of them was only cool as well. had to call repair man and he suggest that we get new ones instead of trying to fix them. $$$$!

The next day I woke up and found the house really quiet....there was nothing comming out of my vents. So I went to the basement to check and the furnace looked fine the lights were all on and the digital thermostat looked fine so I turned th etemp down to 15 degrees C to see what would happen and nothing did so I turned it up to 25 th enext day to see and nothing happened. So had to call repair guys again. $95 later (no idea what he did I think it was one switch) it was back on.

Last night, I went to mow the lawn. First it was out of gas so I had to go out to get more. Then as I was mowing the front side (I like to do th eback first) when all of a sudden there was this dip on my lawn and a metel thing was poking out the mower got caught a bit. I turned it off as soon as I heard a noise but it was too late. The motor is now making this really loud noise and shakes a lot. Had to use the trimmer for the rest of my lawn. My arms and back hurts like hell now. The thing that was poking out was part of a gas line or something. Nothing I could do about it except put more top soil by it to "lift" the lawn back up.

I had rushed to finish this for my Mother's friend at work thinking that she is working the next day but she didn't have to go to work for the next 3 days. *sigh*
So very tired, there's a staff party tonight, I don't think I will make it.

On a brighter note, I've been doing pretty good on my Sockapalooza4 sock. Almost done the cuffs and then it's onto the heel. *gasp!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have had a few weeks like that only in the computer realm. I hope that your appliances decide to behave nicely soon. I love your sock, what pattern are you using?

Blogger bcaiwong said...

oh man...that sucks! bad things do come in threes huh?? good side is, its all over..phew!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your crappy week! Hopefully this next one will be better. Love the sock.


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