The fountains are fantastic!!!!!
OMG!!!! I can't wait!!!! Kame and Jin kept joking about it during their concert ^_^ I think the #2 was the best followed by #3 then 1. The storyline is the typical high school teacher (whom has an interesting back ground) tries to straighten out a bunch of juvenile graduating kids.
So Part I on the BTR concert is over. Here is a quick cap of what happened.
Nakamaru-kun did jump today(17th in Japan)!!!!!!!! The staff had to lower him a bit before he jumped but I think he's trying to work his way up ^_^
We've jumped over the first hurdle of the season at work so now I dedicated this day on finding out more about the KAT-TUN concert which started on Friday May 15th, Japan time.
So far Kame and Uepi went and both nights went fairly well from the reports I've read. Nakamaru was suppose to bungee jump off the highest part of Tokyo Dome but didn't at the end. Maybe he's leaving it for the last night? Jin sang some lyrics wrong?!? For their debute song, Real Face, they switched some parts with eachother.
This is Tokyo Dome (pic is not mine stole it from someone else's page)
The circle down in the middle is a stage where they had water spouts around it. The stage is the area with the lavender neon lights. They have trollys which pushes them into the audience areas on ground level. If you YouTube: Break the Records, you can find some poorly videoed but highly appreciated FanCams of parts of the concert (filming in the concert hall is not allowed). For his solo, Kamenashi started off being in a cage wrapped in chains suspended high over the stage. Then all of a sudden he falls out of it making the entire dome scream. He appears a few seconds later in a beautiful floral kimono and starts his song, 1582. I love theat song. My next fav song is Saditic Love and White Christmas.
My little cousin is coming back to Edmonton in less than a month, can't wait!!! He's got a lot of goodies for me from Japan ^_^
Ahhh!!! It's started!!!!! Though Nakamaru was suppose to do the bungee, he didn't. Don't really blame him. Also found some fancams vids on youtube ^_^ Kame is HOT!!! 1582
OMG! I just spat all over my key board!!! This is hilarious!!! Massu was so not following cuz he was busy shaking hands with the fans, Koyoma and Tegoshi look like girls, Pi with his 'Annie' hair, and Ryo with his hand glasses. The only one who looked 'normal' was Shige who was very focused on the dancing cuz he was having a lot of problems with it. The guys have really out done themselves this time. It's completely different from the songs they're use to doing. I'm so asking my little cousin in Japan to get me this single ^_^( poor guy).