Lil Rose Thorn

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I Spun!

CraftyBean wanted to spread her joy of spinning and decided to teach me how to spin. She was the most patent person EVER! I made so many mistakes, kept feeding too soon, and yarns kept snapping. She kept on trying to find different ways to describe how to sipn to me so I could understand the mechanics of spinning. See the stuff on the far left? Nice and fine. She did those. See the stuffs comming in on th eright? Starting to get a bit thick. I did those.
Then the yarn started to get thicker...and thicker...
The yarn as a skain after it was washed and dried.
The yarn in a ball.
Because it's so pretty I had to take another picture from a different angle ^_^
This is the mess I left behind. See all those bits that had snapped off. Yes, those are my hot pink polka dot slippers. They were from the dollar store if any of you are wondering.I can spin! ........uneven bulky yarn. ^_^ Well, it was my first try.

I've been going to a silversmithing class since Feb. and this is what I've been working on. It's still not finished. Still needs a lot of polishing and the band to be fitted more to my wrist.

My friend H and B are in N.Y.C. right now. I dropped them off and the airport Thursday morning. That is also the day the Yarn Harlot will be at F.I.T. with a book signing and gathering. Hope they got some good pics for me ^_^

*sigh* everyone seems to be off on vacations again. SoSo is going to Toronto on Wednesday. Ah Mosh is going to Vegas with her boy in May. S might be going to Vanouver with a friend in May also.....and I still haven't done my income tax yet!!!!! ARGH! #*X!!@~ Anyone want to do them for me? ^_^

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I got my Swap Softly from Book Bonobo! A beautifully wrapped package.

I got: sponge toffee (^_^), an Andy warhol notebook/journal, a fish pin, a bar of lilac extract soap, a postcard, and of ourse the swap softly - a penguin made of black velvet and hand stitched together with colorful thread. So many goodies!

Here she (I've decided it's a she) is close up!
Thank you Book Bonobo!

Saw 300 on Saturday, laughed throught the whole thing. I've decided that I should see "dick flicks" (as Crafty Bean calls them) more often. There was soooo many guys at the theater and most of them happened to be good looking ^_^. I happened to have been watching it with 4 guys, one I never met before. It was my first time seeing a movie with just me and so many guys. It was cool ^_^

My next project I plan ot make this but I need to get a 6mm hook for it^_^

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Went and saw another movie!

Bridge to Terabithia. It was great. I read the book and saw the play when I was in grade 5 and it brought back a lot of memories ^_^.

I'm almost done my softy for SwapSoftly. It just needs arms and its done! Of course I won't post the pic till my pal gets it ^_^. Back to work now!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Motor Show, Not Knitting Related...*gasp!*

Still working on Swap Softly and the SP9 mittenette... I know I will get them done! promise!

A bunch of friends and I were suppose to go to the Motor Show that is in town together, but one by one they bailed out on us which left tree of us there ourselves. However, I find that three is a nice number so we all don't get separated or have to wait for others to finish before moving wait one of us did get separated but she stood still where she was so we found her ^_^

Dash of a Mini (Mike I have this up for you!)

My friend sleeping in an Impreza....

I use to have a Momo steering wheel in my old car (not one of these red ones, just plain black) but my Bro took it when I sold the car.

Saw the typical big speakers and LCD screens in backs of cars

It was fun.