Lil Rose Thorn

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SWAP Softly

Yeah!!! My pal got the second package I sent. It was MoMo.
But I had originally made this for her cuz she collects mermaids. Plus they are in her favorite colors red, purple, and pink. Sadly it was lost somewhere in postal land.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Almost There!

Life has been exciting at Fort Edmonton Park. First there was the sheeps that were born. One sheep had two lambs one week and the next sheep had three the next week!!! Here are the twins.Then while we were busy at work, I happened to look out the window and saw Abe Lincon's shadow on the building across the street!!!
Everyone at work now has at least one costume for opening this Sunday. First rush almost done now it's on the the second sets of costumes! We've been working 10 to 13 hours a day for the passt week and a half.

Here is a pic of a 'damsal in distress' trying to get out of her costume ^_^ CraftyBean made that bustle-petticoat.
Last but not leasts, the Sockapalooza yarn for my pal!!! She likes Happy colors ^_^ Crafty Bean and I had swapped yarn form each other's stash (!!!gasp!). I happened to have what she needed and she had what was perfect for my pal so all turned out great!
She suggested that I try Cookie A's Hedera pattern. Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Still Alive!!!!!

Been VERY BUSY at work. Sorry for all the non returned phone calls and e-mails. My past week had literally been wake up, drive to work, work, drive home, sleep, and repeat for the next day. Only a few more days till the park opens.............

Today at lunch my co-workers and I went to the candy shop and I had to buy these cuz they are sooooo pretty.
Yeaterday at woek we had a 25% off day for staff and I got a tonne of stuffs ^_^
A train cookie cutter for when my Mother or myself bake for my nephew. He loves trains.

A measuring spoon for a smidgen, a dash, and a pinch. Very handy when your Mother is telling you recepies.

This cup and saucer set was $24 and I got 2 sets. I've been eyeing them since last year.

I also got a purple dream catcher for my room and a few more as gifts. Some Coca Cola salt and pepper shackers as house warming gifts for my friends. Also I stocked up on rasberry drop candies ^_^.
Finally, my latest projects are mini Momo Octopi. One red adnd one beige ^_^.
My friend C really likes the fish I made her, she named it Nemo.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Fishy Done!

This is "somebody's" b-day present! We're going out for pasta that night I believe ^_^It doesn't quite look like what's it's suppose to look like but I think it's cute non the less. I think I decrased too little on the fish's "bum". The eyebrows gives it more character ^_^.

Hee Hee! got this for a new friend (A) who is sadly going away. Found it at Toy R Us. Thought it was too cute not to buy.